Super Fox Hero World is a legendary adventure through sea, forest, castle, and space …Super Smash Fox Hero World is the greatest smash world adventure game inspired from bario smash and the great Hero Fox, also the World of the oscars.
Super Fox Hero Super Smash World is a fun and amazing adventure free game it is better than ever. Run on four different super worlds and several types of scenarios and collect as many coins as you can. As a side scrolling bros adventure that you swing through 80 challenging levels of running and jumping in different places like jungle, space, castle, city ...etc to save the Galaxy smash .
How to play Super Fox Hero Smash World ? It’s like playing all adventures games smash of the oscar or luigi’s adventures or Bario cross Kart …
1/ To play simply touch the B button to jump. 2/ Touch the left arrow to move left and the right arrow to move right. 3/ When you get power up touch the A button to throw bombs. 4/ Collect coins to score high, do not fall off the ground. 5/ Run to the end of map to pass the level. 6/ Don’t let the villain monsters touch Super Fox Smash except when you have the shield power up.
You can also check the gameplay on youtube :
Features :
+ easy to play for free + cute character for kids+ awesome 2D graphics+ Great graphics and music.+ Amazing game control+ Easy, intuitive controls.+ super worlds unlock free when play to end of that super world.+ More than 80 levels free.+ 7 leaderboard: top score, top coins, top levels, top killed…+ Many items: mushroom, flower, shield, hidden blocks...+ 26 acchievement: level unlock, make coins, killed…+ spirit of old school classic platformers+ unique and easy gameplay+ Facebook share and friend invite+ Google plus +1+ Pay to unlock another worlds if you don't want play end of current super world.
And moooore fun …So what are you waiting for ? Let’s play this Super Hero Fox Smash Castle World Adventure.